Kin Euphorics 500ml


Kin Euphorics is a non-alcoholic, functional beverage, designed using ingredients that nourish mind and body. Adaptogens to help you manage stress, nootropics to support brain cognition; and spirit-centering Botanics to elevate taste. Carefully layering these energy-transforming ingredients help tune your mood and activate the power, energy, and peace that is already in you. 

 High Rhode: Raise the bar. Conjure captivating conversation. Open your mind and focus your light. Shake up social settings with a contagious energy that flows out to those around you and reverberates beyond.

A herbaceous blend of hibiscus, orange bitters, licorice root, and sea salt. 

Includes ingredients like Rhodiola Rosea to boost energy and vibrancy, 5-HTP to elevate joy, and GABA to ease stress. 

Dream Light: Calming spices, Reishi mushroom, and melatonin will quiet your mind before you drift off to dreamland. Hush the outside world. Reflect and release what’s beyond your control. Reach a natural circadian rhythm with this magical nightcap.

A blend of spices rich in smooth, earthy oak, smokey clove, and spicy cinnamon. 

Includes ingredients like Reishi Mushrooms to reduce stress, Melatonin to support rest, and L-tryptophan to summon calmness. 

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